Joint venture with the Franchising Differences

Joint ventureA joint venture is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. The parties were agreed to by both contributing equity, and then share in the revenues, costs, and corporate control. This company can only be for special projects, or ongoing business relationship as a joint venture SonyEricsson. This reversed the alliance strategy, which involves no equity stake by the participants, and its structure is less difficult.
This phrase generally refers to the purpose of the group and not the type of group. Then, a joint venture can be a body corporate, partnership, LLC, or other official structures, depending on the number of considerations such as tax liability and losses.

A joint venture is common in oil and gas industry, and often a body hukumantara local and foreign companies (about 3 / 4 international). A joint venture is often seen as an alternative business that is very able to walk and hold in this sector, because companies can improve skills while supplies company offers geographic presence in foreign companies. Various studies indicate 30-61% failure rate, and 60% failed to start or gradually dissolved in 5 years. (Osborn, 2003) is also known that joint ventures in low growth countries are showing great instability, and a joint venture involving government partners have most likely to fail (a private company appears to be more equipped to support the essential skills, marketing networks, etc.).
Some countries, such as the People's Republic of China and India further, require foreign companies to form joint ventures with domestic companies to enter the market. These requirements often encourage technology transfer and control managers to domestic partners.
Most of the joint venture failed in Asia because of cultural differences, like the case of the alliance between Renault, the French car company, and Nissan. A joint venture failed due to a number of reasons, including lack of communication and power distribution antarmanajemen.

The reason for the formation of
Internal reasons

   1. Building a power company
   2. Spreading costs and risks
   3. Increase access to financial resources
   4. Economy of scale and gain strength
   5. Access to technology and new customers
   6. Access to innovative practice manager

The purpose of competition

   1. Influencing structural evolution of industry
   2. Competition prior to completion
   3. Defensive response to eliminate the boundaries of the industry
   4. Creation units strong competition
   5. The speed of market
   6. Adding agility

The purpose of the strategy

   1. Synergy
   2. Transfer of technology / skills
   3. Diversification


    * One1mobile between One1 and Netalizer
    * AutoAlliance International between Ford Motor Company and Mazda
    * Brewers Retail Inc.. between Inbev, Molson Coors and Sapporo Breweries
    * Cingular between SBC (now AT & T Inc.) And BellSouth
    * Bank DnB NORD between DnB NOR and NORD / LB.
    * Equilon between Texaco and Royal Dutch Shell
    * Strategic Alliance between Northwest Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
    * LG.Philips Components between LG Group and Royal Philips Electronics
    * NUMMI between General Motors and Toyota
    * Penske Truck Leasing between GE and Penske Corporation
    * Sony Ericsson between Sony and Ericsson
    * TNK-BP between BP and TNK (Tyumen Oil Co..)
    * Verizon Wireless between Verizon Communications and Vodafone
    * CW Television Network between CBS Corporation and Time Warner
    * The Baseball Network between ABC, NBC, and Major League Baseball
    * Prime Time Entertainment Network from the Prime Time Consortium, a joint venture between Warner Bros.. Domestic Television and Chris-Craft group of independent stations.
    * XFL between NBC and World Wrestling Entertainment
    * Nokia Siemens Networks between Nokia and Siemens AG
    * Balfour Beatty Skanska JV between construction contractors Balfour Beatty and Skanska
    * Shell-Mex and BP between Royal Dutch Shell and British Petroleum (1931-1975)

Franchise or franchise in the world trading system is one which is considered very beneficial. It has been proved by many companies both national companies and companies of international caliber.
Carrying the name of Mc Donald and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), is an example of an international company that has proven its success by using the franchise system.
These companies are not only able to expand country of origin even able to spread their wings to circumnavigating dunia.Termasuk also in Indonesia.
Although this system is very effective but not too many Indonesian companies that take advantage of franchise opportunities. This is caused by a lack of knowledge of employers against the franchise system.
Whereas in developed countries like America, this system is the backbone of its economy. If the system has been popular in the community in Indonesia, it is not impossible that businesses run by entrepreneurs will quickly develop properly.
Just some Indonesian businessmen who take advantage of franchise opportunities. Among others, Es Teler 77, Rudy Hadisuwarno etc.
Through this franchise Es Teller 77 managed to expand its business not only in the city of Jakarta but has spread to kepelosok homeland.
Another advantage of the franchise system is a business that is run will quickly develop. Because with more and more companies are using the franchise means that business will be run quickly known to the public.
And people can also easily obtain the desired product, because in every place there are products with standard quality and presentation of the same.
Cheap Campaign Costs.
Another advantage is quite prominent from franchase system is a cost that is relatively very cheap promotion. Imagine all advertising is to advertise all franchase or branches located throughout Indonesia.
Each franchise does not need to think about advertising. All ads have been designed by a parent company which are all standard. If the cost incurred by the parent company divided by the number of existing branches of advertising costs incurred will be relatively very cheap.
Moreover, the number of franchises that have more and more, of course the cost of advertising will be more expensive and the results would be very effective. For companies to be also relatively highly profitable franchise.
Just imagine the new company will quickly become a branch known by the public. This is caused by a system which requires that every franchise has the same standard with the parent company.
Everything in the company there is also the parent company in each branch, although still relatively new. Standards provided by the parent company not only comes to food but also about the service system.
Thus the company became a franchise does not take long to wait for the company known by the public. Society will not hesitate to enter into any franchise belonging to the company, because it actually has a guarantee from its parent company.
Conditions like these that make the franchise system will rapidly expand. Not only is the holding company that will develop, but companies that follow the system franchisepun berkembang.tetapi join a company that followed the franchise system also reap.
And no wonder if there is one entrepreneur in a relatively short time was able to grow and develop into a big thanks to the franchise system. And do not be surprised if Mc Donald and KFC in a relatively short time has been popular in the community in Indonesia, particularly the big city.
Franchise system is not only suitable for businesses such as restaurants or food which is known. Another attempt was actually still a lot of matches run with this system.
Franchise system (use of famous brand) is basically one of market expansion method or system that performed by the companies that have steady, well-established and has a name. Management and stable level of profitability so that it can provide mutual benefits between parent companies and companies that cooperate with the franchise system.
Basically, a local company who take a foreign franchise must pay a fee within a certain amount of a relatively small number compared to the benefits that we get for example the transfer of technology, developing human resources to match their quality standards, suppliers are mostly local businessmen also raised etc..
2. An executive should have 3 types of knowledge:
a. Methods of knowledge: useful for solving problems of a technical nature of the company.
b. Realities knowledge: useful to overcome the problems or issues that are well developed and dieksternal diinternal.
c. Knowledge Goals: useful to keep in achieving company goals despite experiencing problems and constraints
Methods Knowledge
In their work there are times where managers have difficulties in production, data collection and the field device.For overcome this need to look for solutions that the source of books, literature or other sources.
That most of the emphasis on how to solve problems of a technical nature. With knowledge of the above guidelines, he was able to overcome the problems faced today.
Although the methods of knowledge is important not to waste too much time to this area because it is not the only one that must be considered.
Knowledge Realities
The fact is happening is very important to be understood by a manager. Therefore necessary carefulness in handling the situation.
In internal company such as: Are employees satisfied with the working system established? Does the product price increase still allows salesmen to reach the target? In an external company such as: Are consumer tastes this year are still the same with the taste of last year? How is consumer interest towards the company's new product? How society views on the company?
By conducting the environmental approach to understand the reality that there is a manager finally able to read the minds of the people involved with his work both employees and consumers.
The most positive thing when a manager is able to predict and anticipate things that might happen at the following times.

Knowledge Goal
Managers need to understand the vision and mission to make policy or take a stand still lead to the achievement of company goals.
For example, a manager noticed that employees work under pressure because of work rules are too strict and authoritarian supervision. As a result employees feel scared (the reality of knowledge). Finally the manager to change the work rules, so that employees give tolerance to carry out their work (goals knowledge).
Thus, although the external situation occurs gonjang ganjing a manager must always keep the continuity of the operation with the methods of knowledge, must have knowledge of reality and knowledge mengupayaan goals for corporate sustainability can be maintained.

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Perbedaan Joint venture dengan Franchising

Perbedaan Joint venture dengan Franchising
Joint venture
Perusahaan patungan
Perusahaan patungan adalah sebuah kesatuan yang dibentuk antara 2 pihak atau lebih untuk menjalankan aktivitas ekonomi bersama. Pihak-pihak itu setuju untuk berkelompok dengan menyumbang keadilan kepemilikan, dan kemudian saham dalam penerimaan, biaya, dan kontrol perusahaan. Perusahaan ini hanya dapat untuk proyek khusus saja, atau hubungan bisnis yang berkelanjutan seperti perusahaan patungan Sony Ericsson. Ini terbalik dengan persekutuan strategi, yang tak melibatkan taruhan keadilan oleh pesertanya, dan susunannya kurang begitu sulit.
Frase ini umumnya merujuk pada tujuan kelompok dan bukan jenis kelompok. Kemudian, perusahaan patungan bisa berupa badan hukum, kemitraan, LLC, atau struktur resmi lainnya, bergantung pada jumlah pertimbangan seperti pertanggungjawaban pajak dan kerugian.

Perusahaan patungan umum pada industri migas, dan sering merupakan badan hukumantara perusahaan setempat dan asing (sekitar 3/4 internasional). Perusahaan patungan sering nampak sebagai alternatif bisnis yang amat bisa berjalan terus dalam sektor ini, karena perusahaan ini dapat menyempurnakan perlengkapan kecakapan sementara perusahaan ini menawarkan keberadaan geografis pada perusahaan asing. Berbagai studi menunjukkan tingkat kegagalan 30-61%, dan 60% gagal untuk memulai atau berangsur bubar dalam 5 tahun. (Osborn, 2003) Juga diketahui bahwa perusahaan patungan di negeri yang perkembangannya rendah menunjukkan ketakstabilan besar, dan perusahaan patungan yang melibatkan mitra pemerintah memiliki kemungkinan besar untuk gagal (perusahaan swasta nampak lebih terlengkapi untuk mendukung kecakapan penting, jaringan pemasaran, dll).
Beberapa negara, seperti Republik Rakyat Cina dan lebih lanjut India, memerlukan perusahaan asing untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan perusahaan domestik untuk memasuki pasar. Persyaratan ini sering mendorong transfer teknologi dan kontrol manajer ke mitra dalam negeri.
Sebagian besar perusahaan patungan gagal di Asia karena perbedaan budaya, seperti kasus persekutuan antara Renault, perusahaan mobil asal Perancis, dan Nissan. Perusahaan patungan gagal karena sejumlah alasan, termasuk kurangnya komunikasi dan distribusi tenaga antarmanajemen.

Alasan pembentukan
Alasan internal
  1. Membangun kekuatan perusahaan
  2. Menyebarkan biaya dan risiko
  3. Menambah akses ke sumber daya keuangan
  4. Ekonomi skala dan keuntungan kekuatan
  5. Akses ke teknologi dan pelanggan baru
  6. Akses ke praktek manajer inovatif
Tujuan persaingan
  1. Mempengaruhi evolusi struktural industri
  2. Kompetisi sebelum selesai
  3. Tanggapan defensif untuk menghapuskan batas-batas industri
  4. Penciptaan unit kompetisi yang kuat
  5. Kecepatan pasar
  6. Menambah ketangkasan
Tujuan strategi
  1. Sinergi
  2. Transfer teknologi/kecakapan
  3. Diversifikasi

v   Franchising
Franchise atau waralaba dalam dunia perdagangan merupakan salah satu system yang dianggap sangat menguntungkan. Ini telah dibuktikan oleh banyak perusahaan baik perusahaan nasional maupun perusahaan berkaliber internasional.
Tercatat nama Mc Donald maupun Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC),merupakan contoh perusahaan bertaraf internasional yang telah membuktikan keberhasilannya dengan menggunakan system franchise.
Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut bukan saja mampu mengembangkan usaha dinegara asalnya bahkan mampu mengembangkan sayapnya sampai kepenjuru dunia.Termasuk juga di Indonesia.
Walaupun system ini sangat efektif namun belum terlalu banyak perusahaan Indonesia yang memanfaatkan peluang system franchise. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan para pengusaha terhadap system franchise.
Padahal dinegara maju seperti Amerika , system ini merupakan tulang punggung ekonominya. Kalau system ini telah memasyarakat di Indonesia, bukan tidak mungkin bisnis yang dijalankan oleh pengusaha akan cepat berkembang dengan baik.
Baru beberapa pengusaha Indonesia yang memanfaatkan peluang system franchise. Antara lain Es Teler 77, Rudy Hadisuwarno dll
Melalui system franchise ini Es Teller 77 berhasil mengembangkan usahanya tidak saja dikota Jakarta tetapi sudah tersebar sampai kepelosok tanah air.
Keuntungan lain dari system franchise adalah usaha yang dijalankan akan cepat berkembang. Karena dengan semakin banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan franchise berarti usaha yang dijalankan akan cepat dikenal masyarakat.
Dan masyarakat juga akan dengan mudah memperoleh produk yang diinginkan, karena disetiap tempat terdapat produk dengan standar kualitas dan penyajian yang sama.
Biaya Promosi Murah.
Keuntungan lain yang cukup menonjol dari system franchase adalah biaya promosi yang relatif sangat murah. Bayangkan sekali beriklan sudah dapat mengiklan seluruh franchase atau cabang-cabang yang terdapat diseluruh Indonesia.
Masing-masing franchise tidak perlu memikirkan periklanannya. Semua iklan telah dirancang oleh perusahaan induk yang semuanya standar. Bila biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan induk dibagi dengan jumlah cabang yang ada tentu biaya periklanan yang dikeluarkan akan relatif sangat murah.
Apalagi jumlah franchise yang ada semakin banyak, tentu biaya periklanannya akan semakin murah dan hasilnya tentu akan sangat efektif. Bagi perusahaan yang menjadi franchise juga relatif sangat menguntungkan.
Bayangkan saja perusahaan yang baru menjadi cabang akan dengan cepat dikenal oleh masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh system yang mengharuskan setiap franchise mempunyai standar yang sama dengan perusahaan induk.
Semua yang ada diperusahaan induk juga ada disetiap cabang walaupun perusahaan tersebut tergolong masih baru. Standar yang diberikan oleh perusahaan induk tidak saja menyangkut masalah makanan tetapi juga menyangkut system pelayanan.
Dengan demikian perusahaan yang menjadi franchise tidak perlu waktu lama untuk menunggu perusahaannya dikenal oleh masyarakat. Masyarakatpun tidak akan ragu untuk memasuki setiap franchise yang tergabung dalam perusahaan, karena hal ini sebenarnya sudah merupakan jaminan dari perusahaan induknya.
Kondisi seperti inilah yang membuat system franchise akan cepat berkembang. Tidak saja perusahaan induk yang akan berkembang tetapi perusahaan yang mengikuti system franchisepun ikut berkembang.tetapi perusahaan yang mengikuti system franchise juga ikut menikmati hasilnya.
Dan tidak mengherankan kalau ada satu pengusaha dalam waktu relatif singkat mampu tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi besar berkat system francise. Dan tidak heran kalau Mc Donald dan KFC dalam waktu relatif singkat telah memasyarakat di Indonesia, khususnya dikota-kota besar.
Sistem franchise sebenarnya tidak hanya sesuai untuk usaha restoran atau makanan seperti yang selama ini dikenal. Usaha lain pun sebenarnya masih banyak yang cocok dijalankan dengan system ini .
Sistem franchise (penggunaan merk terkenal) pada dasarnya adalah salah satu metode atau system perluasan pasar yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang telah mantap, mapan dan mempunyai nama. Manajemen dan tingkat profitabilitasnya stabil sehingga bisa memberi keuntungan timbal balik antara perusahaan induk dan perusahaan yang melakukan kerja sama dengan system franchise.
Pada dasarnya perusahaan local yang mengambil franchise asing harus membayar fee dalam jumlah tertentu yang jumlahnya relatif kecil dibanding keuntungan-keuntungan yang kita dapatkan misalnya terjadinya transfer teknologi, mengembangkan SDM agar sesuai dengan standar kualitas mereka, pemasok yang sebagian besar pengusaha lokal juga ikut terangkat dll.
2. Seorang eksekutif seharusnya memiliki 3 jenis pengetahuan :
a. Methods knowledge : berguna untuk memecahkan problem-problem yang bersifat teknis perusahaan.
b. Realities knowledge : berguna untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah atau isu-isu yang sedang berkembang baik diinternal maupun dieksternal.
c. Goals knowledge : berguna untuk tetap mencapai tujuan perusahaan walaupun mengalami masalah dan kendala
Methods Knowledge
Dalam bekerja pasti ada saat-saat di mana manajer mengalami kesulitan dalam bidang produksi, pendataan maupun bidang lain.Untuk mengatasi hal itu perlu dicarikan pemecahan yang sumbernya dari buku, literature ataupun sumber-sumber lain.
Yang sebagian besar menekankan pada cara mengatasi problem yang bersifat teknis. Dengan pedoman pengetahuan diatas, dia mampu mengatasi problem yang dihadapi saat ini.
Walaupun methods knowledge penting jangan terlalu banyak membuang waktu untuk bidang ini karena bukan satu-satunya yang harus diperhatikan.
Realities Knowledge
Kenyataan yang sedang terjadi amat penting untuk dipahami oleh seorang manajer. Oleh karenanya perlu kejelian dalam menangani keadaan yang terjadi.
Di internal perusahaan misalnya: Apakah karyawan cukup puas dengan system kerja yang ditetapkan? Apakah kenaikan harga produk masih memungkinkan salesman mencapai target? Di eksternal perusahaan misalnya : Apakah selera konsumen pada tahun ini masih sama dengan selera tahun lalu? Bagaimana minat konsumen terhadap produk baru perusahaan? Bagaimana pandangan masyarakat terhadap perusahaan?
Dengan mengadakan pendekatan lingkungan untuk memahami realitas yang ada seorang manajer akhirnya dapat membaca pikiran orang-orang yang terlibat dengan pekerjaannya baik karyawan maupun konsumen.
Hal yang paling positif bila seorang manager mampu memprediksi dan mengantisipasi hal-hal yang mungkin terjadi pada waktu-waktu berikut.

Goal Knowledge

Manager perlu memahami visi dan misi perusahaan agar dalam membuat kebijakan atau menentukan sikap tetap mengarah pada tercapainya tujuan perusahaan.
Sebagai contoh seorang manajer mengamati bahwa keryawannya bekerja dibawah tekanan karena peraturan kerja yang terlalu ketat dan supervisi yang bersifat otoriter. Akibatnya karyawan merasa takut (realitas knowledge). Akhirnya manajer tersebut mengubah peraturan kerja, sehingga karyawan memberi toleransi untuk melaksanakan pekerjaannya (goals knowledge).
Dengan demikian walaupun situasi eksternal terjadi gonjang ganjing seorang manajer harus selalu menjaga kontinuitas aktifitas perusahaan dengan methods knowledge, harus memiliki realitas knowledge dan mengupayaan goals knowledge agar kelangsungan perusahaan dapat dipertahankan. dipertahaankan.

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QuickBooks Tools

Running a small business can be exciting and rewarding. However, when business began to run both easy to lose track of the details and before we know it, we are in difficulties. small business accounting software provides accounting and management tools help a lot in one piece of software.

Most small businesses do not want to buy and learn how to use 10 different pieces of software to run their business. Even the smallest companies need the ability to print invoices, track expenses, receiving payment, printing labels and managing your product or service.

There are a large variety of accounting software packages available. One company may offer four or five versions and maybe even an online version, so choose one that fits perfectly for our companies may be challenging. Before you choose software that will work best for you is important to think about what we need specifically for the company.

Here are some features that almost all-in-one accounting program provides:

Invoice / Receivables
All companies must be able to invoice customers and track the incoming revenue. Many programs will let you create and print customized invoices, email or convert them to PDF files for our clients. Many will also print shipping labels and track shipments.

This feature allows you to pay bills, track vendor, write checks, create purchase orders and more.

Inventory Control
Accounting Software vary on what inventory tools they offer, some rely on other programs to track inventory. However, both all-in-one program that allows us to incorporate a variety of inventory information and track stock levels and sales.

Payroll and Employee Management
Most accounting programs will let you create a profile of employees, hours of track and write checks. Many can also be configured for automatic payment or electronic payment with a subscription to additional services.

Project / Work Management
Not all, but many programs accounting tools to track projects and budgets job or project.

One of the best features of accounting software is the ability to run a report so that we can easily see what is working or not working for our company. Most also offer the ability to create custom reports.

Most importantly, should do a little research to find out which product is right for the company, we Revi ew we are a good place to start. In addition, we will want to take advantage of the free trial so you can get a feel for several different programs before you settle on one to help you run our company.

In this site, we'll find articles on accounting software and comprehensive reviews to help you make a decision in which accounting software is right for our business. At TopTenREVIEWS We Do Not Have So we study. ™
Accounting Software: What to Search

I saw quite a few accounting courses that are suitable for small business in a reasonable price range. When reviewing our products to try to remember that most people will want one piece of software to do many things and not the few programs that might not work together. I also want software that will be easy to use as possible.

For our review, we assess the following criteria:

Ease of Use
This criterion is very important. Many small business owners are thinking about buying a new accounting program may be just barely going to move out of what Excel did for them when they first started. So, ease of use is paramount. In addition, accounting is complicated enough without having to add to the burden that is difficult to use the program.

Help and Support
Software of this nature complex and so is setting up the software at first. Most providers only offer limited free services such as user guide, help files and FAQ. Phone, email or chat support is usually only available by subscription service.

Receivable / Accounts Payable
This includes equipment invoice, purchase order creation, creation of checks and delivery features. All small businesses require this feature.

The software that we choose must be able to work with our bank and perform automatic or direct deposits, and create checks and deposit forms.

Payroll / Employee
The best accounting program that can set the profile and status of employees. They can also track the hours, benefits, deductions and taxes. Most will allow us to make the right payroll check from the program or through automatic payment or electronic.

Inventory Control
Most companies have to manage inventory and services. A good supply of tools includes the ability to track product by the CPU / SKU, the ability to store locations with the item number and warning when stock levels reduced.

Time Costing
Accounting tool to track the time spent for the project and can bill based on time spent on the project, project budget, purchase orders related and much more.

Job Costing
Job costing can be a tool to track job costs and also may be able to create job cost estimates as well.

Fixed Assets
Fixed assets include items such as depreciation of fixed or office furniture or company cars, some accounting courses will help you keep track of our asset classes.

Conversion and Renewal
Many small business owners can upgrade from Excel or another spreadsheet program, so we look to see if the software can easily upgrade between programs and between versions.

A good reporting tool can greatly increase the likelihood of success. I am looking for accounting programs that can run many useful reports good. With easy to use reporting options the company can easily monitor what is working well or bad for their company.

There's a lot to think about when it comes to consider accounting software, but it is worth thinking about. Once we know what you need to help us run our company well, began researching what products will work best for us. To get a good idea what kind of comprehensive, robust program that can do for us, check out Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting and QuickBooks Pro.

Pros: QuickBooks Pro accounting software is very easy to use in accounting activities.

Cons: Although this is almost everything, Peachtree nothing more.

Verdict: This is the ideal application of accounting solutions for small businesses and most worthy of all type.

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Software terbaru akuntansi "QuickBooks Tools"

Software terbaru akuntansi "QuickBooks Tools"

Running a small business can be exciting and rewarding. However, when business began to run both easy to lose track of the details and before we know it, we are in difficulties. small business accounting software provides accounting and management tools help a lot in one piece of software.

Most small businesses do not want to buy and learn how to use 10 different pieces of software to run their business. Even the smallest companies need the ability to print invoices, track expenses, receiving payment, printing labels and managing your product or service.

There are a large variety of accounting software packages available. One company may offer four or five versions and maybe even an online version, so choose one that fits perfectly for our companies may be challenging. Before you choose software that will work best for you is important to think about what we need specifically for the company.

Here are some features that almost all-in-one accounting program provides:

Invoice / Receivables

All companies must be able to invoice customers and track the incoming revenue. Many programs will let you create and print customized invoices, email or convert them to PDF files for our clients. Many will also print shipping labels and track shipments.


This feature allows you to pay bills, track vendor, write checks, create purchase orders and more.

Inventory Control

Accounting Software vary on what inventory tools they offer, some rely on other programs to track inventory. However, both all-in-one program that allows us to incorporate a variety of inventory information and track stock levels and sales.

Payroll and Employee Management

Most accounting programs will let you create a profile of employees, hours of track and write checks. Many can also be configured for automatic payment or electronic payment with a subscription to additional services.

Project / Work Management

Not all, but many programs accounting tools to track projects and budgets job or project.


One of the best features of accounting software is the ability to run a report so that we can easily see what is working or not working for our company. Most also offer the ability to create custom reports.

Most importantly, should do a little research to find out which product is right for the company, we Revi ew we are a good place to start. In addition, we will want to take advantage of the free trial so you can get a feel for several different programs before you settle on one to help you run our company.

In this site, we'll find articles on accounting software and comprehensive reviews to help you make a decision in which accounting software is right for our business. At TopTenREVIEWS We Do Not Have So we study. ™
Accounting Software: What to Search

I saw quite a few accounting courses that are suitable for small business in a reasonable price range. When reviewing our products to try to remember that most people will want one piece of software to do many things and not the few programs that might not work together. I also want software that will be easy to use as possible.

For our review, we assess the following criteria:

Ease of Use

This criterion is very important. Many small business owners are thinking about buying a new accounting program may be just barely going to move out of what Excel did for them when they first started. So, ease of use is paramount. In addition, accounting is complicated enough without having to add to the burden that is difficult to use the program.

Help and Support

Software of this nature complex and so is setting up the software at first. Most providers only offer limited free services such as user guide, help files and FAQ. Phone, email or chat support is usually only available by subscription service.

Receivable / Accounts Payable

This includes equipment invoice, purchase order creation, creation of checks and delivery features. All small businesses require this feature.


The software that we choose must be able to work with our bank and perform automatic or direct deposits, and create checks and deposit forms.

Payroll / Employee

The best accounting program that can set the profile and status of employees. They can also track the hours, benefits, deductions and taxes. Most will allow us to make the right payroll check from the program or through automatic payment or electronic.

Inventory Control

Most companies have to manage inventory and services. A good supply of tools includes the ability to track product by the CPU / SKU, the ability to store locations with the item number and warning when stock levels reduced.

Time Costing

Accounting tool to track the time spent for the project and can bill based on time spent on the project, project budget, purchase orders related and much more.

costing can be a tool to track job costs and also may be able to create job cost estimates as well.

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets include items such as depreciation of fixed or office furniture or company cars, some accounting courses will help you keep track of our asset classes.
Many small business owners can upgrade from Excel or another spreadsheet program, so we look to see if the software can easily upgrade between programs and between versions.

A good reporting tool can greatly increase the likelihood of success. I am looking for accounting programs that can run many useful reports good. With easy to use reporting options the company can easily monitor what is working well or bad for their company.

There's a lot to think about when it comes to consider accounting software, but it is worth thinking about. Once we know what you need to help us run our company well, began researching what products will work best for us. To get a good idea what kind of comprehensive, robust program that can do for us, check out Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting and QuickBooks Pro.

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Verdict: This is the ideal application of accounting solutions for small businesses and most worthy of all typenya

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Cold this morning I went to accompany my mother to shop ROYAL market,,, the atmosphere is very crowded marketplace by buyers and sellers who peddle the goods to be traded. market conditions are very neatly arranged according to the type of goods, selling vegetables, fish, household appliances, and other household necessities.
Began to explore the market who was selling and buying going on there and usually payments made in cash. The villagers love to shop in because the price is affordable, efficient, and strategic location which allows people to shop sehinnga consumers are satisfied with market conditions.
Usually the visitor market from lower-class society, there are also middle and upper. But in general, is among the middle class and upper class are usually rare.
Activity in the market are made from dawn until late siang.konsumen in the general store in the morning in the condition of goods to be traded, especially fresh fish, vegetables and others.
In traditional markets, we find the various tribes who shop and nature between the seller and buyer friendly-friendly, so that the process of buying and selling transactions occur. Buyers feel at ease with the situation because the things I mentioned above, and the communities around the traditional market will be satisfied with the services performed by the seller so that most buyers subscribe.
This is the result of careful research that the author ROYAL traditional markets around the house writers. The author expects the reader comments and suggestions so that the building work of a writer, I hope the reader can take manfatnya especially concerning information about traditional ROYAL market. The authors want to thank you.

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Pasar merupakan bukanlah kata yang lazim kita dengar atau asing lagi .Tetapi dalam arti yang sebenarnya kita tidak tahu akan apa sebenarnya pasar itu.
Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang apa itu pasar. Pengertian pasar menurut penulis yaitu tempat pertemuan pembeli dan penjual. Dan pengertian merupakan kelompok  individual (perorangan maupun perorangan)yang mempunyai permintaan terhadap barang tertentu, berdaya beli, dan berniat merealisasikan pembelian tersebut.
            Si penulis akan membahas pasar sebagai contoh ”INDOMARET” yang ada di jalan raya Margonda dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya.
Perilaku pasar adalah pola kebiasaan asar meliputi proses (mental) pengambilan keputusan serta kegiatan fisik indivual atau organisasinal terhadap produk waktu tertentu, penilaian , keyakinan, usaha memperoleh, pola penggunaan,maupun penolakan suatu produk.
Dimana saya akan membuat pemahaman terhadap profil dan perilakun pasar yang saya teliti di Indomaret yang terletak di Jalan Raya Margonda,  penulis akan mejelaskan tentang:

  1. Siapa, apa, berapa, kapan, dimana pembelian di lakukan?
  2. Mengapa suatu produk di beli(di tolak)?
  3. Bagaimana proses pembelian terjadi?

Profil dan perilaku pasar yang spenulis jelaskan ini tidaklah selamanya kostan (tetap), selalu akan mengalami perubahan perilaku pasar kemarin  atau penjualan kemarin berbeda dengan perilaku pasar sekarang. Dan akan berbeda dengan perilakunya dimasa yang akan datang. Oleh karena itu pertanyaan  / profil yang saya buat sekarang  tidak hanya perlu di pertanyakan untuk masa sekarang saja, tetapi perlu di berikan juga untuk menjelaskan profil dan perilaku pasar dimasa – masa akan mendatang.

Disini penulis akan menjelaskan apa yang sudah penulis teliti di sebuah pasar yaitu Indomaret, dimana pengunjung biasanya adalah  mulai dari kalangan bawah, menengah, hingga kalangan atas  baik masyarakat dalam maupun masyarat luar . Biasanya produk yang paling laku di Indomaret adalah indomie, susu balita, minuman, rokok, danmakanan ringan .Ini dikarenakan harga yang terjangkau dan hemat.
Pembelian dilakukan mulai dari pagi hingga malam dan yang paling banyak peembelinya.Meski Indomaret buka  ssetiap saat. Hal ini sangat menguntungkan bagi masyarakat sekitar dimana di saat butuh Indomaret selalu ada.
Terkadang seseorang membeli atau menolak suatu produk di karenakan tidak sesuai dengan yang di inginkan ,tidak sesuai dengan pesanan,pengembalian barang karena salah informasi.
Dan dapat kita lihat bagaimana sikapa karyawan  kepada pengunjung.Di sini si peneliti melihat bahwa sikap antara karyawan dan pengunjung sangalah ramah – ramah sehingga terjadi transaksi yanga jual beli yang memuaskan antara ke dua belah pihak
Kepercayaan terhadap Indomaret dominan masyarakat disini percaya di sebabkan pembeli puas akan pelayanan Indomaret  teliti dengan dengan barang –barang yang di jual sehingga pengunjung percaya dan merasa puas dengan kenyamanan yang di dapat.
Letak yang strategis dimana Indomaret terletak di antara pertigaan  dan jalan raya besar umum sehingga pengunjung banyak dan bagi pemiliknya mendapat keuntungan yang lumayan besar. Dengan demikian masyarakat sekitar atau masyarakat luar mengambil keputusan untuk berbelanja di Indomaret karma berbagai hal yang sudah penulis teliti dan jelaskan
            Demikian hasil penelitian tentang pasar yang saya teliti yaitu Indomaret yang ada di sekitar rumah si penulis.
Semoga penulisan ini berguna bagi para pembaca dan dapat mendapatkan informasi tentang Indomaret. Penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran para pembaca untuk membagun penulisan ini. Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih.

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If we are talking about the Indonesian economy, which will occur in our minds is about the conditions and economic situation in Indonesia. Indonesia Economic conditions can be measured using several indicators, such as national income and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). national income and GDP is high indicates a country's economy vibrant. The Government has various policies to maintain or improve the quality of the first Indonesia.Yang economy is fiscal policy. fiscal policy is a policy related to Income Expenditure Budget (APBN).
 Fiscal policy has a variety of forms. one form of fiscal policy appears BLT. Many people look at BLT only help those less fortunate. actually behind it there is a special purpose from the government. BLT is expected to increase people's income. with rising incomes, increasing purchasing power.
Thus, demand is also increasing. increasing demand from the community will encourage the production, which in turn will improve the economic conditions of Indonesia. Another example of fiscal policy is a project organized by the government. let's say the government entered into a project to build the highway. In this project the government requires workers and other workers to complete.
In other words, this project is to absorb human resources as labor. This makes the income of people working on it increases. with the increase in their income the same effect will happen with the previous BLT. So by holding paroyek the unemployed find a job that will impact the economy of Indonesia. Fiscal policy can also be adjusted with the government budget. for example, by financing the deficit.
                        Defcit financing is to establish a revenue budget>. deficit financing can be done in various ways. Bung Karno's first government ever apply them by multiplying the debt by borrowing from the Bank Indonesia, which happens next is a big inflation (hyper inflation) because the money circulating in the community very much. to close the budget deficit dipinjamlah money from the people. unfortunately, people do not have enough money to lend to the government. In the end, the government was forced to borrow money from outside negeri.Yang we know now that many of Indonesia's debt to foreign countries, which today does not reduce but semakain bertambah.Yang we do not know when the debt has been settled by the Indonesian state.
            The United States also must implement a financing deficit with organizing the project. This project is the normalization sungan Mississippi by the name Tenesse Valley Project. The project is intended to prevent flooding, this project is an example of projects that apply the principle of labor-intensive. With this project, government spending increases, but revenue also rose. eventually this will encourage economic activity in order to become aroused.
            Let us recall a small incident in late 1997 when the monetary crisis in Indonesia. at that time customers in droves to take the money in the bank (bank rush phenomenon) for fear that the banks do not have enough funds to restore their savings. to overcome this problem by public banks were given a loan from Bank Indonesia, called Direct Bank Indonesia (BLBI). At that time, did all the money that is guaranteed by the government, therefore the government should take action as a phenomenon that occurs when a company tadi.seharusnya (including commercial banks) lack of owner's equity must increase their capital in the company. This applies to public and government. if the government short of funds, the government can raise funds by selling shares held by the government. Keep in mind, there are some companies whose shares are owned by the government.
            The second policy is monetary policy. monetary policy is a policy with the aim of influencing the money supply. amount of money in circulation can be affected by Bank Indonesia. In addition to directly increase or reduce the amount of money in circulation, regulate the money supply can also use the BI Rate. BI rate is the instrument of government for future reference how much short-term deposit rates, for example, Securities Indonesia. usually commercial banks will raise or lower interest rates rise or fall according to the BI Rate. Therefore, when the BI Rate is lowered, mortgage rates also fell, so the investment costs down. from here, investment is expected to increase.
            Monetary policy also establishes statutory reserves, namely the amount of deposits commercial banks at Bank Indonesia, which is part of a third party deposits. the current mandatory minimum of 8% from deposit of the third party. Monetary policy was also influential in international trade by controlling the export tariffs on imports. if the increase in import tariffs, the urge to import is reduced. if import tariffs fall, the drive to improve ipmpor and prices of imported goods become more murah.Yang Negara Indonesia sometimes even always prefer to export the goods outside. For in the minds of Indonesian nationals who baarang export goods already in the best without thinking about the side effects for the future.


The Government has various policies to maintain or improve the quality of the first Indonesia.Yang economy is fiscal policy. fiscal policy is a policy related to Income Expenditure Budget (APBN). Countries could increase foreign exchange earnings and to meet the needs. The second policy is monetary policy. monetary policy is a policy with the aim of influencing the money supply. Which can increase investment. Hopefully we can all apply this policy to boost the economy in our State of the State of Indonesia.

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Market is not a common word we hear or familiar, but in the sense that we really do not know what the actual market. Here I will explain about what the market. Understanding the market according to the author meeting a buyer and seller. And understanding is a group of individuals (individuals or individual) that has a demand for certain goods, purchasing power, and intend to make a purchase.
            The author will discuss the market as an example of "Indomaret" Margonda road near where I live. Market behavior is a habit pattern of the market includes the process of (mental) decision-making as well as physical activity or organization indivual with the product of time, assessment, assurance, procurement, usage patterns, and the rejection of a product.
Where I will create a profile and understanding of the market that I really perilakun in Indomaret located in roadway Margonda, the author will explain about:

1. Who, what, how, when, where purchase is made?
 2. Why does the product purchased (in decline)?
 3. How does the buying process happen?

Profile and market behavior the authors explain that this is not always kostan (fixed), will always be changing market behavior yesterday or yesterday sales differ from current market behavior. And will vary with the behavior in the future. Therefore, the question / profile that I created today do not just have a question for the moment only, but must be given also to explain behavior and market profiles of these days - the time will come.
Here the author will explain what is already the author carefully in a market that Indomaret, where visitors usually starts from the middle, down, into the upper classes of society both inside and outside masyarat. Usually the best-selling product in Indomaret is indomie, toddler milk, drinks, cigarettes, lighter danmakanan. This is because the prices are affordable and efficient. Purchases were made starting from morning till night and peembelinya most. Although Indomaret open all the time. This is very beneficial to the communities around where the time required Indomaret always there. Sometimes a person buy or reject products that do not coincide with that in want, not according to the rules, again because of wrong information.

And can we see how sikapa employees to visitors. Here, the researchers saw that the attitude among employees and visitors sangalah friendly - so friendly place yanga sales and purchase transactions that satisfy both sides Indomaret Trust dominant in the people here believe is caused by the buyer will be satisfied with thorough Indomaret service with goods in sales so that visitors believe and feel satisfied with the comfort of cans.
Indomaret strategic location which lies between the intersection of major highways and public so that many visitors and their owners big profits. Thus the surrounding community or outside the community took the decision to shop at Indomaret because of various things that have been meticulous and the author explains.
Thus the results of my research in the market that Indomaret careful around the home writer. Good writing is useful for readers and to obtain information about Indomaret. The author expects the reader criticisms and suggestions to develop this paper. The authors thank

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Jika kita berbicara tentang perekonomian Indonesia, yang akan terpikir di benak kita adalah tentang kondisi dan keadaan ekonomi di Indonesia. Kondisi perekonomian Indonesia dapat diukur dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator, misalnya pendapatan nasional dan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB). pendapatan nasional dan PDB yang tinggi menandakan kondisi perekonomian suatu negara sedang bergairah. Pemerintah mempunyai berbagai kebijakan untuk menjaga atau memperbaiki kualitas perekonomian Indonesia.Yang pertama adalah kebijakan fiskal. kebijakan fiskal merupakan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN).
Kebijakan fiskal mempunyai berbagai bentuk. salah satu bentuk kebijakan fiskal yang sedang marak adalah BLT. banyak orang melihat BLT hanya bantuan kepada orang yang kurang mampu. sebenarnya di balik itu ada tujuan khusus dari pemerintah. BLT diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. dengan meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat, daya beli masyarakat juga meningkat. dengan demikian permintaan dari masyarakat juga meningkat. meningkatnya permintaan dari masyarakat akan mendorong produksi yang pada akhirnya akan memperbaiki kondisi perekonomian Indonesia.Contoh lain dari kebijakan fiskal adalah proyek-proyek yang diadakan oleh pemerintah. katakanlah pemerintah mengadakan proyek membangun jalan raya. dalam proyek ini pemerintah membutuhkan buruh dan pekerja lain untuk menyelesaikannya. dengan kata lain proyek ini menyerap SDM sebagai tenaga kerja. hal ini membuat pendapatan orang yang bekerja di situ bertambah. dengan bertambahnya pendapatan mereka akan terjadi efek yang sama dengan BLT tadi.Jadi  dengan mengadakan paroyek maka para pengangguran mendapatkan pekerjaan yang akan berdampak bagi perekonomian Indonesia. kebijakan fiskal juga dapat berupa kostumisasi APBN oleh pemerintah. misalnya dengan deficit financing. defcit financing adalah anggaran dengan menetapkan pengeluaran > penerimaan. deficit financing dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. dahulu pemerintahan Bung Karno pernah menerapkannya dengan cara memperbanyak utang dengan meminjam dari Bank Indonesia. yang terjadi kemudian adalah inflasi besar-besaran (hyper inflation) karena uang yang beredar di masyarakat sangat banyak. untuk menutup anggaran yang defisit dipinjamlah uang dari rakyat. sayangnya, rakyat tidak mempunyai cukup uang untuk memberi pinjaman pada pemerintah. akhirnya, pemerintah terpaksa meminjam uang dari luar negeri.Yang kita ketahui saat ini bahwa utang negara Indonesia  banyak ke negara luar,yang semakin hari bukan semakin berkurang melainkan semakain bertambah.Yang kita tidak ketahui kapan utang ini terlunasi oleh negara Indonesia.
Amerika Serikat juga pernah menerapkan deficit financing dengan mengadakan suatu proyek. proyek tersebut adalah normalisasi sungan Mississipi dengan nama Tenesse Valley Project. proyek ini dimaksudkan agar tidak terjadi banjir. proyek ini adalah contoh proyek yang menerapkan prinsip padat karya. dengan adanya proyek ini pengeluaran pemerintah memang bertambah, tetapi pendapatan masyarakat juga naik. pada akhirnya hal ini akan mendorong kegiatan ekonomi agar menjadi bergairah.
Mari kita mengingat sedikit kejadian pada akhir tahun 1997 saat terjadi krisis moneter di Indonesia. pada saat itu nasabah berduyun-duyun mengambil uang di bank (fenomena bank rush) karena takut bank tidak mempunyai dana yang cukup untuk mengembalikan
tabungan mereka. untuk mengatasi masalah ini bank-bank umum diberi pinjaman dari Bank Indonesia yang disebut Bantuan Langsung Bank Indonesia (BLBI).pada saat itu memang seluruh tabungan dijamin oleh pemerintah, maka dari itu pemerintah juga harus mengambil tindakan saat terjadi fenomena tadi.seharusnya saat suatu perusahaan (termasuk bank umum) kekurangan modal pemilik harus menambah modalnya pada perusahaan tersebut. ini berlaku pada umum dan pemerintah. jika pemerintah kekurangan dana, pemerintah bisa menambah dana dengan menjual saham yang dimiliki pemerintah. perlu diingat, ada beberapa perusahaan yang sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah.
 Kebijakan yang kedua adalah kebijakan moneter. kebijakan moneter adalah kebijakan dengan sasaran mempengaruhi jumlah uang yang beredar. jumlah uang yang beredar dapat dipengaruhi oleh Bank Indonesia. selain dengan langsung menambah atau mengurangi jumlah uang yang beredar, mengatur jumlah uang yang beredar juga bisa menggunakan BI Rate. BI rate adalah instrumen dari pemerintah untuk acuan seberapa besar bunga simpanan jangka pendek, misalnya Surat Berharga Indonesia. biasanya bank-bank umum akan menaikkan atau menurunkan suku bunganya seiring dengan naik atau turunnya BI Rate. maka dari itu, saat BI Rate diturunkan, suku bunga kredit juga turun, sehingga biaya investasi ikut turun. dari sini, diharapkan investasi meningkat.
Kebijakan moneter juga mengatur tentang giro wajib minimum, yaitu jumlah simpanan bank umum di Bank Indonesia yang merupakan sebagian dari titipan pihak ketiga. saat ini giro wajib minimum sebesar 8 % dari titipan pihak ketiga. Kebijakan moneter juga berpengaruh dalam perdagangan internasional dengan mengendalikan tarif ekspor impor. jika tarif impor naik, dorongan untuk impor berkurang. jika tarif impor turun, dorongan untuk ipmpor bertambah dan harga barang-barang impor menjadi lebih murah.Yang  terkadang Negara Indonesia malah selalu lebih senang mengekspor barang- barang luar.Karna dalam benak negara Indonesia bahwa baarang ekspor  sudah merupakan barang yanag yang terbaik tanpa memikirkan efek sampingnya untuk masa yang akan datang.


Pemerintah mempunyai berbagai kebijakan untuk menjaga atau memperbaiki kualitas perekonomian Indonesia.Yang pertama adalah kebijakan fiskal. kebijakan fiskal merupakan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN).Yang dapat menambah devisa Negara  dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan.
Kebijakan yang kedua adalah kebijakan moneter. kebijakan moneter adalah kebijakan dengan sasaran mempengaruhi jumlah uang yang beredar. Yang dapat meningkatkan investasI
Semoga kebijakan ini dapat kita terapkan sehingga meningkatkan perekonomian di Negara kita ini yaitu Negara Indonesia dan dapat membagun perekonomian Indonesia.

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